Your donations directly impact real people in Ozaukee County, old and young, with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Your donation of time and/or money makes a significant difference in the daily lives of our participants, residents, and their families.

Balance currently supports

25 Adults in our Adult Family Homes

66 Adults in our Day Program 

19 Children in our Children's Social Skills Program 

44-50 Children anticipated for Children's Summer Recreation 2024

6 Individuals in our Supported Living Program

Many of Balance’s programs have a waitlist. We provide services to as many individuals as we can based on our current staffing levels.

Alternative ways to support Balance

  • While you are shopping on Amazon, please check out our Amazon Wish List

  • Consider starting a Facebook fundraiser to reach your social media connections.

  • If you are 70½ or older you may also be interested in a way to lower the income taxes from your IRA withdrawals. A Qualified Charitable Distribution (IRA Charitable Rollover) is a way you can help continue Balance’s good work while also benefiting yourself. Please call us for assistance at 262-268-6811.

  • You can include Balance in your will or estate plan. Your gift will positively impact children and adults with developmental disabilities now and in the future.

  • Volunteer with Balance and help us by making a donation of your time.

  • Find out if your employer matches charitable contributions by talking to your company’s HR department.

Upcoming fundraisers:

You can support Balance’s fundraising efforts by attending an event or sharing it with your friends!

Please check our events page for a full list of upcoming events!